How To Detect Leaking Water In Your Home ~ Water Meters

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

How To Detect Leaking Water In Your Home

Most of the times, when there is water leaking in our house, we already know where it is located since we can see a faucet or the toilet dripping. But, some other times, we might have water leaking in our home without being aware of it, or noticing it when the water bill comes. You can easily detect leaking water in your house by following a few steps.

First, you should turn all water sources off. Then, go to your water meter and read it. After about 20 minutes read the water meter again, the figures in it should be the same as before; if they have changed, this means there is a water leak in the house.

Once you have discovered there is a leak in your house, you might want to find out where it is in order to be able to fix it. To find where it is, you will have to check all the possible spots. A good idea is to start by the toilet. The best way to detect a water leak is with the help of a leak detector, you should be able to acquire one in your local hardware shop. These devices are easy to use, but if you have any doubts ask the seller or a professional on the area for guidance.

If you don't have a leak detector, you could still try to detect the source of the leaking, but you will probably have to ask a professional to do it. If you wish to try to detect the leaking by yourself, you should first try by being in complete silence on each spot where it is possible that there is water leaking and listen carefully trying to spot any dripping noise.

But trying to spot leaking water by its sound is not always efficient and you might loose important time on it.. Many times leaking water doesn't make enough noise for a person to spot it and you might need much patience to do it, so it is much more recommendable to ask for help.

By: Jakob Jelling

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